Get the top pick rare items! "Aurora Fest" Pack on sale!
"Aurora Fest" Pack with top pick rare items such as
"Awake Crystal",
"Boss Crystal",
"high priced items", and
"various Enhance Item" is now available!
There are also super gorgeous
"Bonus Set" lined up!
Get those bright-shining items!
[On Sale Items]
Aurora Fest
[Item price]
10 Gems per "Spin x1"
100 Gems per "Spin x10"
* "Rift Stone R", "Slot Release R", and "Evo liquid R" series cannot be created in the "Produce" feature.
* "Premium Ticket" cannot be used for trading "Rift Stone R", "Slot Release R", and "Evo liquid R" series.
* Price for "Rift Stone R", "Slot Release R", and "Evo liquid R" are 1G when sold at NPC shops.
Tap here to list the Related Prize Items
[Included Rare Items]
Dx Bonus Set(Rift stone∞×10)
Dx Bonus Set(Evo liquid∞×10)
Dx Bonus Set(Slot Release∞×10)
Dx Bonus Set(8 Crystals set)
Dx Bonus Set(Awake Crystal x3)
SP+ Bonus Set(Rift stone∞×5)
SP+ Bonus Set(Evo liquid∞×5)
SP+ Bonus Set(Slot Release∞×5)
SP+ Bonus Set(Boss monster ORB BOX)
SP+ Bonus Set(Evolution Gangue X10)
SP+ Bonus Set(End-Crystal Mellow Statue Set + Crystal Kodora Statue Set)
SP+ Bonus Set(Diamond Mellow Statue Set + Crystal Kodora Statue Set)
SP+ Bonus Set(Ruby Mellow Statue Set + Amber Kodora Statue Set)
SP+ Bonus Set(Crystal Kodora Statue Set + Pearl Kodora Statue Set)
SP+ Bonus Set(Pearl Kodora Statue Set + Gold Kodora Statue Set)
SP+ Bonus Set(Pearl Kodora Statue Set + Bronze Kodora Statue Set)
SP Bonus Set(Evolution Gangue X5)
SP Bonus Set(Rift stone∞×3)
SP Bonus Set(Evo liquid∞×3)
SP Bonus Set(Slot Release∞×3)
Bonus Set(Rift stone80+90+100)
Bonus Set(Evo liquid★8+★9+★10)
Bonus Set(Slot Release80+90+100)
Bonus Set(Evolution Gangue X3)
[Other Included Items]
Beast Crystal
Aqua Crystal
Snow Crystal
Core Crystal
Deep cry nucleation
Rock Dragon Crystal
Sea Crystal
Ghost Crystal
Dynast Crystal
Dark Crystal
Tree Soldiers Crystal
Mech Lord Crystal
Jabbawock Spirit
Forneus Spirit
Vairgin Spirit
V Shnida Spirit
Lekos Spirit
Barbaros Spirit
Aungahel Spirit
Tengu Bird Spirit
Gringulls Spirit
Gran Zeal Spirit
Mills Golem Spirit
King Toyran Spirit
Rift Stone 70
Rift Stone 80
Rift Stone 90
Rift Stone 100
Rift Stone ∞
Evo liquid 7
Evo liquid 8
Evo liquid 9
Evo liquid 10
Evo liquid∞
Slot Release 70
Slot Release 80
Slot Release 90
Slot Release 100
Slot Release∞
Rift Stone 80 R
Rift Stone 90 R
Rift Stone 100 R
Evo liquid 8 R
Evo liquid 9 R
Evo liquid 10 R
Slot Release 80 R
Slot Release 90 R
Slot Release 100 R
ORB Remover
ORB Remover R
Awake Crystal
Awake Crystal Piece x5
Awake Crystal Piece x10
Awake Crystal Piece x15
Awake Crystal Piece x30
Awake Crystal Piece x40
Awake Crystal Piece x50
End-Crystal Mellow Statue Set
Diamond Mellow Statue Set
Ruby Mellow Statue Set
Sapphire Mellow Statue Set
Emerald Mellow Statue Set
Lapis Mellow Statue Set
Crystal Kodora Statue Set
Amber Kodora Statue Set
Pearl Kodora Statue Set
Gold Kodora Statue Set
Silver Kodora Statue Set
Bronze Kodora Statue Set
Sprout of Hope
Weird Copper Coin
Weird Copper Coin ×5
Weird Copper Coin ×10
Premium Ticket
Premium Ticket×5
Premium Ticket×10
STR Orb Box 10
VIT Orb Box 10
INT Orb Box 10
MEN Orb Box 10
DEX Orb Box 10
HP Orb Box 10
SP Orb Box 10
Shining Fire Stone Big Box 10
Shining Water Stone Big Box 10
Shining Wind Stone Big Box 10
Shining Earth Stone Big Box 10
Shining Light Stone Big Box 10
Shining Dark Stone Big Box 10
Evolution Gangue
2 Evolution Gangues
3 Evolution Gangues
5 Evolution Gangues
10 Evolution Gangues
2 Gangue Pieces
3 Gangue Pieces
5 Gangue Pieces
10 Gangue Pieces
Material Ring 1
Material Ring 1×2
Material Ring 1×3
Material Ring 1×4
Material Ring 1×5
HP Recovery Box ×10
20 HP Recovery Boxes
30 HP Recovery Boxes
SP Recovery Box ×10
20 SP Recovery Boxes
30 SP Recovery Boxes
Transparent Glass ×10
20 Transparent Glasses
30 Transparent Glasses
Miracle Water ×10
20 Miracle Waters
30 Miracle Waters
DP Water+ ×10
20 DP Water+s
30 DP Water+s
Rainbow Garish Star Bk
Red Garish Star Bk
Blue Garish Star Bk
Green Garish Star Bk
Rainbow Bright Star Bk
Red Bright Star Bk
Blue Bright Star Bk
Green Bright Star Bk
"Excellent Premium Item Pack" now available!"Excellent Premium Item Pack" filled with enhance items such as
"Rift Stone R", "Evo liquid R", "Slot Release R" and Orbs will be available!
[On Sale Items]
Excellent Premium Item Pack
[Item price]
50 Gems per "Spin x5"
100 Gems per "Spin x11"
* "Rift Stone R", "Slot Release R", and "Evo liquid R" series cannot be created in the "Produce" feature.
* "Premium Ticket" cannot be used for trading "Rift Stone R", "Slot Release R", and "Evo liquid R" series.
* Price for "Rift Stone R", "Slot Release R", and "Evo liquid R" are 1G when sold at NPC shops.
Tap here to list the Related Prize Items
[Included Rare Items]
Rift Stone 90 R
Rift Stone 100 R
Evo liquid 9 R
Evo liquid 10 R
Slot Release 90 R
Slot Release 100 R
[Other Included Items]
STR Orb 10
VIT Orb 10
INT Orb 10
MEN Orb 10
DEX Orb 10
HP Orb 10
SP Orb 10
STR Orb 9
VIT Orb 9
INT Orb 9
MEN Orb 9
DEX Orb 9
HP Orb 9
SP Orb 9
Stronger Arms in a set of 2?! "6 Stars or higher - Rune Arms Evo Jackpot" on sale!
5 Stars Arms has been removed from "Rune Arms Evolve Jackpot", in which you can win 2 same-type Arms in a set!
It's a chance to get 2 powerful Arms in one! Don't miss it!
[On Sale Items]
[6 Stars or higher]Rune Arms Evo Jackpot
[Item price]
15 Gems per "Spin x1"
150 Gems per "Spin x10"
* A equip level limit is set for the arms that comes out.
* Status for the Rune Arms will be randomly attached when players withdraw from the Shop Box.
* The ''Rune Weapon'' and the ''Rune Armor'' are ''Non-tradable Item'' even though player uses a ''Premium Ticket''.
* "Evo liquid R" series cannot be created in the "Produce" feature.
* "Premium Ticket" cannot be used for trading "Evo liquid R" series.
* Price for "Evo liquid R" are 1G when sold at NPC shops.
Tap here to list the Related Prize Items
[Included Rare items]
Rune Dagger 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Dagger 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Dagger 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Dagger 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Dagger 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Dagger 7~9 ×2
Rune Sword 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Sword 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Sword 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Sword 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Sword 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Sword 7~9 ×2
Rune Blade7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Blade 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Blade 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Blade 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Blade 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Blade 7~9 ×2
Rune Mace 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Mace 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Mace 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Mace 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Mace 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Mace 7~9 ×2
Rune Axe 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Axe 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Axe 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Axe 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Axe 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Axe 7~9 ×2
Rune Trigger 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Trigger 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Trigger 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Trigger 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Trigger 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Trigger 7~9 ×2
Rune Rifle 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Rifle 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Rifle 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Rifle 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Rifle 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Rifle 7~9 ×2
Rune Bow 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Bow 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Bow 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Bow 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Bow 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Bow 7~9 ×2
Rune Rod 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Rod 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Rod 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Rod 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Rod 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Rod 7~9 ×2
Rune Knuckle 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Knuckle 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Knuckle 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Knuckle 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Knuckle 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Knuckle 7~9 ×2
Rune Wand 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Wand 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Wand 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Wand 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Wand 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Wand 7~9 ×2
Rune Spear 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Spear 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Spear 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Spear 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Spear 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Spear 7~9 ×2
Rune Lance 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Lance 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Lance 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Lance 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Lance 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Lance 7~9 ×2
Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Rune Armor 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Armor 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Armor 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Armor 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Armor 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Armor 7~9 ×2
Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Cap 7~9 ×2
Rune Leggings 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Leggings 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Leggings 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Leggings 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Leggings 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Leggings 7~9 ×2
Rune Cloak 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Cloak 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Cloak 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Cloak 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Cloak 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Cloak 7~9 ×2
Rune Greaves 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Greaves 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Greaves 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Greaves 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Greaves 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Greaves 7~9 ×2
Rune Shield 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Shield 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Shield 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Shield 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Shield 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Shield 7~9 ×2
Rune Guard 7~9 ×2
Iron Rune Guard 7~9 ×2
Black Metal Rune Guard 7~9 ×2
Silver White Rune Guard 7~9 ×2
Moon Light Rune Guard 7~9 ×2
Genma Rune Guard 7~9 ×2
Evo liquid 8 R
Evo liquid 9 R
Evo liquid 10 R
Evo liquid 8
Evo liquid 9
Evo liquid 10
Evo liquid∞
[Other Included Items]
Rune Dagger 6 ×2
Iron Rune Dagger 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Dagger 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Dagger 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Dagger 6 ×2
Genma Rune Dagger 6 ×2
Rune Sword 6 ×2
Iron Rune Sword 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Sword 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Sword 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Sword 6 ×2
Genma Rune Sword 6 ×2
Rune Blade6 ×2
Iron Rune Blade 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Blade 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Blade 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Blade 6 ×2
Genma Rune Blade 6 ×2
Rune Mace 6 ×2
Iron Rune Mace 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Mace 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Mace 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Mace 6 ×2
Genma Rune Mace 6 ×2
Rune Axe 6 ×2
Iron Rune Axe 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Axe 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Axe 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Axe 6 ×2
Genma Rune Axe 6 ×2
Rune Trigger 6 ×2
Iron Rune Trigger 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Trigger 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Trigger 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Trigger 6 ×2
Genma Rune Trigger 6 ×2
Rune Rifle 6 ×2
Iron Rune Rifle 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Rifle 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Rifle 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Rifle 6 ×2
Genma Rune Rifle 6 ×2
Rune Bow 6 ×2
Iron Rune Bow 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Bow 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Bow 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Bow 6 ×2
Genma Rune Bow 6 ×2
Rune Rod 6 ×2
Iron Rune Rod 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Rod 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Rod 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Rod 6 ×2
Genma Rune Rod 6 ×2
Rune Knuckle 6 ×2
Iron Rune Knuckle 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Knuckle 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Knuckle 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Knuckle 6 ×2
Genma Rune Knuckle 6 ×2
Rune Wand 6 ×2
Iron Rune Wand 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Wand 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Wand 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Wand 6 ×2
Genma Rune Wand 6 ×2
Rune Spear 6 ×2
Iron Rune Spear 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Spear 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Spear 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Spear 6 ×2
Genma Rune Spear 6 ×2
Rune Lance 6 ×2
Iron Rune Lance 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Lance 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Lance 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Lance 6 ×2
Genma Rune Lance 6 ×2
Rune Cap 6 ×2
Iron Rune Cap 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Cap 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Cap 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Cap 6 ×2
Genma Rune Cap 6 ×2
Rune Armor 6 ×2
Iron Rune Armor 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Armor 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Armor 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Armor 6 ×2
Genma Rune Armor 6 ×2
Rune Cap 6 ×2
Iron Rune Cap 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Cap 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Cap 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Cap 6 ×2
Genma Rune Cap 6 ×2
Rune Leggings 6 ×2
Iron Rune Leggings 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Leggings 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Leggings 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Leggings 6 ×2
Genma Rune Leggings 6 ×2
Rune Cloak 6 ×2
Iron Rune Cloak 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Cloak 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Cloak 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Cloak 6 ×2
Genma Rune Cloak 6 ×2
Rune Greaves 6 ×2
Iron Rune Greaves 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Greaves 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Greaves 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Greaves 6 ×2
Genma Rune Greaves 6 ×2
Rune Shield 6 ×2
Iron Rune Shield 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Shield 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Shield 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Shield 6 ×2
Genma Rune Shield 6 ×2
Rune Guard 6 ×2
Iron Rune Guard 6 ×2
Black Metal Rune Guard 6 ×2
Silver White Rune Guard 6 ×2
Moon Light Rune Guard 6 ×2
Genma Rune Guard 6 ×2
Evolution Gangue
Evolution Gangue×2
Evolution Gangue×3
Gangue Piece×2
Gangue Piece×3
Gangue Piece×5
Sharp Crystal×20
Sharp Crystal×30
Sharp Crystal×60
Hard Crystal×20
Hard Crystal×30
Hard Crystal×60
Stone of rec Box×5
Stone of rec Box×10
Stone of rec Box×15
Evo liquid 5 R
Evo liquid 6 R
Evo liquid 7 R
Evo liquid 5
Evo liquid 6
Evo liquid 7
Only “Rune Accessories” in the lineup! “Rune Accessory Pack” now available!The pack of the precious “Rune Accessories” is finally out!
Bring more power to your characters with the “Rune Accessory Pack”!!
[On Sale Items]
Rune Accessory Pack
[Item price]
5 Gems per "Spin x1"
50 Gems per "Spin x10"
*The won accessories have equip level limits.
*The bonus status of the Rune Accessory will be set randomly at the timing of withdrawing from Shop BOX.
*Rune Accessory is non-tradable item with no exception.
Tap here to list the Related Prize Items[Included Rare Avatars]
Genma Rune Protect Stone
Genma Rune Brooch
Genma Rune Bracelet
Genma Rune Ring
Genma Rune Pendant
Moon Light Rune Ring
Moon Light Rune Protect Stone
Moon Light Rune Pendant
Moon Light Rune Brooch
Moon Light Rune Bracelet
Silver White Rune Ring
Silver White Rune Protect Stone
Silver White Rune Pendant
Silver White Rune Brooch
Silver White Rune Bracelet
Black Metal Rune Ring
Black Metal Rune Protect Stone
Black Metal Rune Pendant
Black Metal Rune Brooch
Black Metal Rune Bracelet
[Other Prize Avatars]
Iron Rune Ring
Iron Rune Protect Stone
Iron Rune Pendant
Iron Rune Brooch
Iron Rune Bracelet
Rune Ring
Rune Protect Stone
Rune Pendant
Rune Brooch
Rune Bracelet
Resale of"Weiss/Schwartz","Scorpion" and "Phalanx"!
[On Sale Items]
[Item price]
3 Gems per "Spin x1"
30 Gems per "Spin x10"
Tap here to list the Related Prize Items
[Included Rare Items]
Schwarz Hood
Schwarz Hood A
Schwarz Hood B
Schwarz Hood C
Weiss Coat
Weiss Coat A
Weiss Coat B
Weiss Coat-P
Weiss Dagger-P
Weiss Sword-P
Weiss Blade-P
Weiss Mace-P
Weiss Axe-P
Weiss Barrett-P
Weiss Bow-P
Weiss Rod-P
Weiss Knuckle-P
Weiss Rifle-P
Weiss Shield-P
Weiss Belt-P
* 4 types of colors "A", "B", "C" or "No mark" in all
[Other Included Items]
Schwarz Crow
Schwarz Mask
Schwarz Rose
* 4 types of colors "A", "B", "C" or "No mark" in all
Weiss Swan
Weiss Mask
Weiss Flower
* 4 types of colors "A", "B", "P" or "No mark" in all
Weiss Dagger
Weiss Sword
Weiss Blade
Weiss Mace
Weiss Axe
Weiss Barrett
Weiss Bow
Weiss Rod
Weiss Knuckle
Weiss Rifle
Weiss Shield
Weiss Belt
* 4 types of colors "A", "B", "C" or "No mark" in all
Red Memo Pad
Blue Memo Pad
Green Memo Pad
Red Foreign Paper
Blue Foreign Paper
Green Foreign Paper
*"Scorpion Avatar" is a "Non-tradable Item" even though player uses a "Premium Ticket".
[On Sale Items]
[Item price]
3 Gems per "Spin x1"
30 Gems per "Spin x10"
Tap here to list the Related Prize Items
[Included Rare Items]
Scorpion Upper
Scorpion Upper A
Scorpion Upper B
Scorpion Upper-PL
Scorpion Dagger-PL
Scorpion Edge-PL
Scorpion Blade-PL
Scorpion Mace-PL
Scorpion Axe-PL
Scorpion Barrett-PL
Scorpion Rifle-PL
Scorpion Bow-PL
Scorpion Staff-PL
Scorpion Knuckle-PL
Scorpion Rod-PL
Scorpion Spike-PL
Scorpion Lance-PL
Scorpion Guard-PL
Magic Lamp-PL
*1 type of color item "A", "B", "C" or "No mark" will be randomly gifted from the above items types.
[Other Included Items]
Scorpion Dagger
Scorpion Edge
Scorpion Blade
Scorpion Mace
Scorpion Axe
Scorpion Barrett
Scorpion Rifle
Scorpion Bow
Scorpion Staff
Scorpion Knuckle
Scorpion Rod
Scorpion Spike
Scorpion Lance
Scorpion Guard
Magic Lamp
*1 type of color item "A", "B", "C" or "No mark" will be randomly gifted from the above items types.
Scorpion Bandana
Scorpion Mask
Scorpion Lower
*1 type of color item "A", "B", "PL" or "No mark" will be randomly gifted from the above items types.
Red Memo Pad
Blue Memo Pad
Green Memo Pad
Red Foreign Paper
Blue Foreign Paper
Green Foreign Paper

*"Phalanx Avatar" is a "Non-tradable Item" even though player uses a "Premium Ticket".
[On Sale Items]
[Item price]
3 Gems per "Spin x1"
30 Gems per "Spin x10"
Tap here to list the Related Prize Items
[Included Rare Items]
Phalanx Mail
Phalanx Mail A
Phalanx Mail B
Phalanx Mail-IM
Phalanx Knife-IM
Phalanx Sword-IM
Phalanx Blade-IM
Phalanx Mace-IM
Phalanx Axe-IM
Phalanx Barrett-IM
Phalanx Rifle-IM
Phalanx Bow-IM
Phalanx Staff-IM
Phalanx Knuckle-IM
Phalanx Rod-IM
Phalanx Spike-IM
Phalanx Lance-IM
Phalanx Shell-IM
Phalanx Shield-IM
*1 type of color item "A", "B", "C" or "No mark" will be randomly gifted from the above items types.
[Other Included Items]
Phalanx Knife
Phalanx Sword
Phalanx Blade
Phalanx Mace
Phalanx Axe
Phalanx Barrett
Phalanx Rifle
Phalanx Bow
Phalanx Staff
Phalanx Knuckle
Phalanx Rod
Phalanx Spike
Phalanx Lance
Phalanx Shell
Phalanx Shield
*1 type of color item "A", "B", "C" or "No mark" will be randomly gifted from the above items types.
Phalanx Lower
Phalanx Helm
Phalanx Head
*1 type of color item "A", "B", "IM" or "No mark" will be randomly gifted from the above items types.
Red Memo Pad
Blue Memo Pad
Green Memo Pad
Red Foreign Paper
Blue Foreign Paper
Green Foreign Paper
-- Announcement for closed for sale item(s)
The following item(s) will be closed for sale after the Shop updates held today.
-Super ORB Crystal Fest
-[5 Spins 30 gems] Precious Crystal Fest
-[7 Stars and Higher Up] Rune Mystery Bag [Gold]
-[5 Stars and Higher Up] Rune Mystery Bag [Silver]
-Armor Divine Fest
-[Campaign]Night Cat
*Each items that are on sale may contain "Non-Tradable Item" which "Premium Ticket" cannot be used on. For details, please check the "Item List" for each sold items from the in-game "Shop".
* Players may win the same items more than once.
* Check the Items in the Shop for the lineup details.
* Note that to equip weapon and shield avatars, you will need to equip the same weapon or shield.
* Date and time for the sales period may subject to change.
Check out our Shop!
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team