"ORB Remover Jackpot" with 1 to 5 of "ORB Remover ∞" or "ORB Remover ∞R" in the lineup is on sale!
Sort out the attached ORBs in this opportunity!
[On Sale Items]
ORB Remover Jackpot
[Item price]
10 Gems per "Spin x1"
100 Gems per "Spin x10"
*Won items contain "non-tradable item" which "Premium Ticket" cannot be used on.
*Some of the items cannot be used for some or all of Produce contents.
*Some of the won items are worth 1G when sold to the NPC shop.
Tap here to list the Related Prize Items
[Included Rare Items]
ORB Remover∞×5
ORB Remover∞×4
ORB Remover∞×3
ORB Remover∞×2
ORB Remover ∞R×5
ORB Remover ∞R×4
ORB Remover ∞R×3
ORB Remover ∞R×2
[Included Other Items]
ORB Remover∞
ORB Remover ∞R
Tap here to list the Related Prize Items
[Included Rare Items]
Malulani Upper M
Lively Beach Upper M
Falfeather Top M
Pair Aer Tops M
Night Cat Parka M
Night Cat Doll-KT M
Night Cat Chain-KT M
Night Cat Choker-KT M
Malulani Nimbus-PS M
Lively Beach Pareo-SU M
Falfeather Bracelet-FK M
Falfeather Arm S Feather-FK M
Falfeather Arm M Feather-FK M
Falfeather Arm L Feather-FK M
Pair Aer B Wing (R)-FT M
Pair Aer B Wing (L)-FT M
Pair Aer B Wings-FT M
Pair Aer T Wing (R)-FT M
Pair Aer T Wing (L) -FT M
Pair Aer T Wings-FT M
Malulani Upper AM
Lively Beach Upper AM
Falfeather Top AM
Pair Aer Tops AM
Night Cat Parka AM
Night Cat Doll-KT AM
Night Cat Chain-KT AM
Night Cat Choker-KT AM
Malulani Nimbus-PS AM
Lively Beach Pareo-SU AM
Falfeather Bracelet-FK AM
Falfeather Arm S Feather-FK AM
Falfeather Arm M Feather-FK AM
Falfeather Arm L Feather-FK AM
Pair Aer B Wing (R)-FT AM
Pair Aer B Wing (L)-FT AM
Pair Aer B Wings-FT AM
Pair Aer T Wing (R)-FT AM
Pair Aer T Wing (L) -FT AM
Pair Aer T Wings-FT AM
Malulani Upper BM
Lively Beach Upper BM
Falfeather Top BM
Pair Aer Tops BM
Night Cat Parka BM
Night Cat Doll-KT BM
Night Cat Chain-KT BM
Night Cat Choker-KT BM
Malulani Nimbus-PS BM
Lively Beach Pareo-SU BM
Falfeather Bracelet-FK BM
Falfeather Arm S Feather-FK BM
Falfeather Arm M Feather-FK BM
Falfeather Arm L Feather-FK BM
Pair Aer B Wing (R)-FT BM
Pair Aer B Wing (L)-FT BM
Pair Aer B Wings-FT BM
Pair Aer T Wing (R)-FT BM
Pair Aer T Wing (L) -FT BM
Pair Aer T Wings-FT BM
Malulani Upper CM
Lively Beach Upper CM
Falfeather Top CM
Pair Aer Tops CM
Night Cat Parka CM
Night Cat Doll-KT CM
Night Cat Chain-KT CM
Night Cat Choker-KT CM
Malulani Nimbus-PS CM
Lively Beach Pareo-SU CM
Falfeather Bracelet-FK CM
Falfeather Arm S Feather-FK CM
Falfeather Arm M Feather-FK CM
Falfeather Arm L Feather-FK CM
Pair Aer B Wing (R)-FT CM
Pair Aer B Wing (L)-FT CM
Pair Aer B Wings-FT CM
Pair Aer T Wing (R)-FT CM
Pair Aer T Wing (L) -FT CM
Pair Aer T Wings-FT CM
Malulani Upper DM
Lively Beach Upper DM
Falfeather Top DM
Pair Aer Tops DM
Night Cat Parka DM
Night Cat Doll-KT DM
Night Cat Chain-KT DM
Night Cat Choker-KT DM
Malulani Nimbus-PS DM
Lively Beach Pareo-SU DM
Falfeather Bracelet-FK DM
Falfeather Arm S Feather-FK DM
Falfeather Arm M Feather-FK DM
Falfeather Arm L Feather-FK DM
Pair Aer B Wing (R)-FT DM
Pair Aer B Wing (L)-FT DM
Pair Aer B Wings-FT DM
Pair Aer T Wing (R)-FT DM
Pair Aer T Wing (L) -FT DM
Pair Aer T Wings-FT DM
[Other Included Items]
Malulani Ornaments M
Malulani Tiara M
Lively Beach Glasses M
Lively Beach Hat M
Falfeather Hat M
Falfeather Cap M
Pair Aer Hat M
Pair Aer Barretter M
Night Cat Cloth M
Malulani Lower M
Lively Beach Lower M
Falfeather Lower M
Pair Aer Under M
Night Cat Doll M
Night Cat Chain M
Night Cat Choker M
Malulani Nimbus M
Lively Beach Pareo M
Falfeather Bracelet M
Falfeather Arm S Feather M
Falfeather Arm M Feather M
Falfeather Arm L Feather M
Pair Aer B Wing (R) M
Pair Aer B Wing (L) M
Pair Aer B Wings M
Pair Aer T Wing (R) M
Pair Aer T Wing (L) M
Pair Aer T Wings M
Malulani Ornaments AM
Malulani Tiara AM
Lively Beach Glasses AM
Lively Beach Hat AM
Falfeather Hat AM
Falfeather Cap AM
Pair Aer Hat AM
Pair Aer Barretter AM
Night Cat Cloth AM
Malulani Lower AM
Lively Beach Lower AM
Falfeather Lower AM
Pair Aer Under AM
Night Cat Doll AM
Night Cat Chain AM
Night Cat Choker AM
Malulani Nimbus AM
Lively Beach Pareo AM
Falfeather Bracelet AM
Falfeather Arm S Feather AM
Falfeather Arm M Feather AM
Falfeather Arm L Feather AM
Pair Aer B Wing (R) AM
Pair Aer B Wing (L) AM
Pair Aer B Wings AM
Pair Aer T Wing (R) AM
Pair Aer T Wing (L) AM
Pair Aer T Wings AM
Malulani Ornaments BM
Malulani Tiara BM
Lively Beach Glasses BM
Lively Beach Hat BM
Falfeather Hat BM
Falfeather Cap BM
Pair Aer Hat BM
Pair Aer Barretter BM
Night Cat Cloth BM
Malulani Lower BM
Lively Beach Lower BM
Falfeather Lower BM
Pair Aer Under BM
Night Cat Doll BM
Night Cat Chain BM
Night Cat Choker BM
Malulani Nimbus BM
Lively Beach Pareo BM
Falfeather Bracelet BM
Falfeather Arm S Feather BM
Falfeather Arm M Feather BM
Falfeather Arm L Feather BM
Pair Aer B Wing (R) BM
Pair Aer B Wing (L) BM
Pair Aer B Wings BM
Pair Aer T Wing (R) BM
Pair Aer T Wing (L) BM
Pair Aer T Wings BM
Malulani Ornaments CM
Malulani Tiara CM
Lively Beach Glasses CM
Lively Beach Hat CM
Falfeather Hat CM
Falfeather Cap CM
Pair Aer Hat CM
Pair Aer Barretter CM
Night Cat Cloth CM
Malulani Lower CM
Lively Beach Lower CM
Falfeather Lower CM
Pair Aer Under CM
Night Cat Doll CM
Night Cat Chain CM
Night Cat Choker CM
Malulani Nimbus CM
Lively Beach Pareo CM
Falfeather Bracelet CM
Falfeather Arm S Feather CM
Falfeather Arm M Feather CM
Falfeather Arm L Feather CM
Pair Aer B Wing (R) CM
Pair Aer B Wing (L) CM
Pair Aer B Wings CM
Pair Aer T Wing (R) CM
Pair Aer T Wing (L) CM
Pair Aer T Wings CM
Malulani Ornaments DM
Malulani Tiara DM
Lively Beach Glasses DM
Lively Beach Hat DM
Falfeather Hat DM
Falfeather Cap DM
Pair Aer Hat DM
Pair Aer Barretter DM
Night Cat Cloth DM
Malulani Lower DM
Lively Beach Lower DM
Falfeather Lower DM
Pair Aer Under DM
Night Cat Doll DM
Night Cat Chain DM
Night Cat Choker DM
Malulani Nimbus DM
Lively Beach Pareo DM
Falfeather Bracelet DM
Falfeather Arm S Feather DM
Falfeather Arm M Feather DM
Falfeather Arm L Feather DM
Pair Aer B Wing (R) DM
Pair Aer B Wing (L) DM
Pair Aer B Wings DM
Pair Aer T Wing (R) DM
Pair Aer T Wing (L) DM
Pair Aer T Wings DM
--Announcement for closed for sale item(s)
The following item(s) will be closed for sale after the Shop updates held today.
-Mercury Arms Festival+
-ORB Remover Rush
-N. Kagura
* Each items that are on sale may contain "Non-Tradable Item" which "Premium Ticket" cannot be used on. For details, please check the "Item List" for each sold items from the in-game "Shop".
* Players may win the same items more than once.
* Check the Items in the Shop for the lineup details.
* Note that to equip weapon and shield avatars, you will need to equip the same weapon or shield.
* Date and time for the sales period may subject to change.
Check out our Shop!
AVABEL ONLINE Operation Team